Tovolo Collapsible Microwave Cover, Red
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this time, we're going to discuss Tovolo Collapsible Microwave Cover, Red. an incredible product that according to our experience has given satisfaction we had hoped. We and our family satisfied too that people can present it into our way of life.
What is fun is Tovolo Collapsible Microwave Cover, Red is extremely easy to use. for novices, just by exploring the manuals we are able to use it directly. And we don't need to call technician to make it can be used as the very first purpose we want to buy it.
thankfully you can get/buy Tovolo Collapsible Microwave Cover, Red with special price in amazon. i've selected and chosen the most friendly price using the maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to get it for the beloved people. anyway, the product is limited, buy it fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Tovolo
Price : $10.99
Product Description
This Tovolo Collapsible Microwave Food Cover keeps your microwave clean and free from splatters. When you are finished using it, it collapses to save precious space in the drawer or cabinet. Perforations in the lid allow steam to escape while protecting against food splatter. This kitchen accessory is ideal for heating leftovers, or steaming in the microwave.
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Product Features
- Microwave safe cover expands to 3.5 inches but collapses to 1 inch for easy storage; Use thumbs to easy "pop up" and press to flatten
- Multiple lid perforations allow steam to escape, keeps food moist while splatters and mess are contained
- Can be used expanded or flat on bowls; reduce waste and movement of paper towels or other wraps in microwave
- 10.5 inch diameter the perfect size for most bowls and plates; dishwasher safe
- Bright red color is easy to find in drawers and cabinets
Price : $10.99
Customer Reviews
This is a great cover. It has vent holes around the edge of the top which are completely separate from the finger indentations, which protects your fingers from being burned. It is sturdy, has gone throught the dishwasher many times with no problem, and bright colored-- I haven't had to search for it like our old white one. It is just the right size: wide enough for a dinner plate, but tall enough for a heaped bowl. I like the collapsible feature, but note that there is a little trick to popping it out; you have to push at a certain distance from the edge, then it pops easily. We are very satisfied!
It serves as a splatter screen in the microwave, but also a cover for food sitting out, like a cake or pie (handy in the summer). Because of the steam holes in the top; when used upside down it serves as a strainer too.
It's nice that it takes up no more space than one of the dinner plates when collapsed. I store it there, with the dishes, the most frequently used option. When the fuller/taller lid is required, I've found no problem with the expanding plastic, opened by holding opposite sides with both hands then applying thumb pressure inside the edge, both sides at the same time. Pops up easily that way.
This item can take the place of 3 or 4 cooking items so for those of us who have limited cupboard space, this is ideal.
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