Progressive International Mini Microwave Plate Cover
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this time, we're going to discuss Progressive International Mini Microwave Plate Cover. an excellent product that according to our experience has given satisfaction we had hoped. We and our purposes satisfied too that individuals can present it into our way of life.
What is fun is Progressive International Mini Microwave Plate Cover is quite easy to use. for novices, just by studying the manuals we can use it directly. And we don't need to call technician making it can be used as the first purpose we want to buy it.
the good news is you can get/buy Progressive International Mini Microwave Plate Cover with special price in amazon. we have selected and chosen probably the most friendly price with the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to purchase it for beloved people. anyway, the item is limited, buy it fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Progressive International
Price : $4.55
Product Description
Progressive International® is your source for the widest range of functional, inventive, and fun kitchen tools and great ideas put into practice. Our in-house designers spend hours in the kitchen coming up with ways to improve on a variety of traditional tasks and tools. Established in 1973, our commitment to quality and service allows us to offer a broad selection of quality kitchenware and other household products. Keep food clean and splatters under control with this high heat microwavable food cover. It features steam vents and center finger grips. 7" diameter.
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Product Features
- Microwavable food covers keep food warm and splatters down
- Features steam vents and center finger grips
- 7 inch diameter
- Dishwasher safe
Price : $4.55
Customer Reviews
This barely covers a 6" diameter bowl even though it's supposed to be a 7" cover. I have no idea what to use it for other than to put it over mugs when heating cocoa or milk.
After putting up for years with extra splatter below the usual large microwave covers when used with smaller bowls and dishes, I was delighted to finally find a cover that's the right size for the job. True, it's not a perfect fit on every bowl or saucer, but the shape makes it easy to balance on top of most smaller dishes and it's still a big improvement over the large dinner plate size. I've been using one for well over a year now, and just bought a second to alternate in the dishwasher. It's held up beautifully so far, even when someone (we're not saying who) forgets and puts it on the bottom rack, although I wouldn't recommend that as a regular practice.
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