Nordic Ware Microwave 10.5 Inch Spatter Cover
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this time, we'll discuss Nordic Ware Microwave 10.5 Inch Spatter Cover. a fantastic product that based on our experience has given satisfaction we had hoped. We and our family satisfied too that individuals can present it into us.
What is fun is Nordic Ware Microwave 10.5 Inch Spatter Cover is quite easy to use. for starters, just by exploring the manuals we can use it directly. And we don't need to call technician to restore can be used as the very first purpose we want to buy it.
thankfully you can get/buy Nordic Ware Microwave 10.5 Inch Spatter Cover with special price in amazon. we have selected and chosen probably the most friendly price with the maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to buy it for our beloved people. anyway, the item is limited, buy it fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Nordic Ware
Price : $6.32
Product Description
Fits standard dinner plates and the Nordic Ware 2-sided Bacon-Meat Grill. Allows you to view food without spatters in the microwave. Proudly made in the USA.
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Product Features
- Prevent spattering while you cook
- Fits standard dinner plates
- Keeps food hot until served
- Top rack dishwasher safe
- Made in the USA
Price : $6.32
Customer Reviews
These covers are great! No more using plastic wrap, paper, or anything else to cover the food we microwave. Works on any size plate, and our dinner plates are large. There is plenty of room above the plate which is good, because we sometimes heat 2 plates of food on one plate, then split, so having the higher cover is much better. So far there are no negatives except for this, and it isn't really a negative it is a question:
I've been trying to find some documentation online relating to possible toxins in this type of plastic/polymer. So far I've been only able to find good things about polypropylene, but have not been able to find anything relating to microwaving it.
I am very happy with this cover. It works on small and large plates and bowls. I am saving a lot of paper towels these days. Best of all, it is made in the USA
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