GE WB39X10003 Cooking Tray for Microwave
Hello,we meet again. based on what we did before, we're going to present to you review of the best product for your requirements.
this time, we'll discuss GE WB39X10003 Cooking Tray for Microwave. an incredible product that according to our experience has given satisfaction that people had hoped. We and our purposes satisfied too that we can present it into our everyday life.
What is fun is GE WB39X10003 Cooking Tray for Microwave is incredibly easy to use. for starters, just by studying the manuals we can easily use it directly. We don't need to call technician to make it can be used as the first purpose we should buy it.
fortunately you can get/buy GE WB39X10003 Cooking Tray for Microwave with special price in amazon. i have selected and chosen the most friendly price with the maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to buy it for the beloved people. anyway, them is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : General Electric
Price : $37.95
You Save : $32.37 (46%)
Product Description
From the Manufacturer
GE Microwave Glass Tray WB39X10003 WB49X10002 EMO2000C01BB, EMO2000C01CC, EMO2000C01WW, EMO2000C02BB, EMO2000C02CC, EMO2000C02WW, JES1238WH001, JES1238WH002, JES1238WH03, JES1246BH001, JES1246BH002, JES1246BH03, JES1246WH001, JES1246WH002, JES1246WH03, JES831WB002, JES831WB01, JVM1410BC001, JVM1410BC002, JVM1410WC001, JVM1410WC002, JVM1420BB01, JVM1420BB02, JVM1420WB01, JVM1420WB02, JVM1421BC002, JVM1421BC01, JVM1421WC002, JVM1421WC01, JVM1430BD001, JVM1430BD002, JVM1430WD001, JVM1430WD002, JVM1440AA01, JVM1440BA01, JVM1440BD001, JVM1440BD002, JVM1440BD002, JVM1440WA01, JVM1440WD001, JVM1440WD002, JVM1441BD001, JVM1441BD002, JVM1441WD001, JVM1441WD002, JVM1441WD003, JVM1442BA01, JVM1442BA001, JVM1450AA01, JVM1450BA01, JVM1450BC001, JVM1450BC002, JVM1450WA01, JVM1450WC001, JVM1450WC002, JVM1451AA01, JVM1451BA01, JVM1451WA01, JVM1460AA01, JVM1460BA01, JVM1460SA01, JVM1460WA01, JVM1460WA001, LVM1420BA01, LVM1420BA02, LVM1420BA03, LVM1420WA01, LVM1420WA02, LVM1420WA03, RVM1425BA004, RVM1425BA01, RVM1425BA02, RVM1425BA03, RVM1425WA004, RVM1425WA01, RVM1425WA02, RVM1425WA03, RVM1435BD001, RVM1435BD002, RVM1435BD002, RVM1435BH001, RVM1435BH001, RVM1435WD001, RVM1435WD002, RVM1435WD002, RVM1435WD002, RVM1435WH001, RVM1435WH001.
Technical Details
- WB39X10003
- 12-1/2-Inch overall diameter
- 10-1/4-Inch diameter of turntable track
- 1 year manufacturer warranty
- Genuine GE factory part
Price : $37.95
Customer Reviews
We ordered this when we broke the glass plate from our microwave. It was exactly what we needed. Just like the old one.
This was a replacement for a broken cooking tray for my microwave. The tray was just what I needed. It fits perfectly in the microwave.
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