Nordic Ware Microwave Everyday Dinner Plates, Set of 4, White, 10 Inch
Hello,we meet again. in accordance with what we did before, we're going to present to you overview of the best product for your needs.
this time, we will discuss Nordic Ware Microwave Everyday Dinner Plates, Set of 4, White, 10 Inch. a great product that based on our experience has given satisfaction that people had hoped. We and our family satisfied too we can present it into us.
What is fun is Nordic Ware Microwave Everyday Dinner Plates, Set of 4, White, 10 Inch is extremely easy to use. for starters, just by looking at the manuals we could use it directly. And we don't need to call technician to restore can be used as the first purpose we would like to buy it.
the good thing is you can get/buy Nordic Ware Microwave Everyday Dinner Plates, Set of 4, White, 10 Inch with special price in amazon. we have selected and chosen one of the most friendly price with all the maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to purchase it for beloved people. anyway, them is limited, buy it fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Nordic Ware
Price : $12.05
Product Description
Picture it: the family gathers to dine, not around the television or in their own separate corners of the house, but at the table, with each other. A delicious home-cooked meal is set, and the family converses and laughs as they pass around the dishes. Mouth-watering meats and warm heaps of mashed potatoes and crispy fresh salads are placed on to simply elegant dinner plates. Our high heat microwave cookware is freezer to microwave to table ready. These plates, which come in a set of four, are microwave safe and BPA- and Melamine-free. They are the perfect substitute for paper products, as they can easily be used outdoors as well. Make family dinners happen with Nordic Ware.
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Product Features
- Simple and elegant
- Microwave safe
- Bpa- and melamine-free
- Set of 4
- Made in america
Price : $12.05
Customer Reviews
Thats what the label tells me anyway. Which is great, Now I can use these to warm food in the oven too.
These are made from a hard material. I hate to call them plastic, cause they really dont look like plastic.
These are what Ive been looking for.
These are not fancy plates. They are rugged plastic plates that are microwave safe stand up to the kids. I was pleasantly surprised at how heavy they were - I expected cheaper flimsy plastic, but these are rigid and feel very solid.
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