Whirlpool W10187336A Universal Microwave Crisper Pan
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this time, we are going to discuss Whirlpool W10187336A Universal Microwave Crisper Pan. an incredible product that according to our experience has given satisfaction that people had hoped. We and our house satisfied too that individuals can present it into us.
What is fun is Whirlpool W10187336A Universal Microwave Crisper Pan is incredibly easy to use. for novices, just by studying the manuals we are able to use it directly. We don't need to call technician to really make it can be used as the 1st purpose we want to buy it.
the good thing is you can get/buy Whirlpool W10187336A Universal Microwave Crisper Pan with special price in amazon. i have selected and chosen the most friendly price with all the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to purchase it for beloved people. anyway, them is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Whirlpool
Price : $33.07
You Save : $8.92 (21%)
Product Description
From the Manufacturer
At last a metal pan to use in all brands of microwaves to pan-fry, brown, and crisp. Perfect for bacon, eggs, chicken nuggets, leftover pizza, and much more. Save time by cooking many favorite foods in the microwave without heating up the kitchen. Round pan measures 12 1/4-Inch in diameter to accommodate frozen pizzas and is 1 1/2-Inch deep. Includes detachable handle for easy removal from microwave.
Universal Microwave Crisper Pan...At last a metal pan to use in all brands of microwaves to pan-fry, brown, and crisp. Perfect for bacon, eggs, chicken nuggets, leftover pizza, and much more. Save time by cooking many favorite foods in the microwave witho
Technical Details
- Round pan measures 12 1/4-Inch in diameter
- Used in microwaves to pan-fry, brown and crisp
- Non-stick surface
- Works with most major brands
Price : $33.07
Customer Reviews
This was recommended to me by one of our relatives and I just love it. It is wonderful for cooking turkey bacon in the microwave since it gets crispy. I am looking forward to doing more things with as I get the chance especially frozen fries and pizza.
We fry mostly frozen hamburger patties using this crisper pan and it works very good. We're using it in a medium size LG microwave and have not noticed any smell coming from the pan, but we did wash it once before using. Takes 3 minutes to pre-heat pan at 100% power then another 4 minutes to fry the burgers, turning once. We had an older Whirlpool microwave that came with this pan type (then called a Sizzler) that we loved and used for years.
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