Tupperware 2 Toddler Size Divided Dishes with Seals in Various Colors
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this time, we'll discuss Tupperware 2 Toddler Size Divided Dishes with Seals in Various Colors. a fantastic product that determined by our experience has given satisfaction that people had hoped. We and our purposes satisfied too that people can present it into our way of life.
What is fun is Tupperware 2 Toddler Size Divided Dishes with Seals in Various Colors is extremely easy to use. for beginners, just by looking at the manuals we can easily use it directly. We don't need to call technician to restore can be used as the first purpose we should buy it.
fortunately you can get/buy Tupperware 2 Toddler Size Divided Dishes with Seals in Various Colors with special price in amazon. i've selected and chosen one of the most friendly price with the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to buy it for the beloved people. anyway, the product is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Tupperware Limited Edition
List Price :
Price : $22.45
You Save : $0.05
Product Description
Tupperware children's products are timeless, universal, classic, durable, and fun and help develop children throughout their growing years. This great feeding set comes with two dishes with sections and two seals all in various color. (Sorry, no color choice, but colors are suitable for both boys and girls. ) Divided dish can be used with removable handle, but handle is not included with this sale. Seals and divided dishes come in various colors and keep food fresh longer. Great for road trips and trips to Grandma's house. Freeze well, too! Fridge and dishwasher safe. Seals are virtually liquid and air tight, so run them under some very hot water the first couple of times to help get them on the containers.
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Product Features
- 2 divided dishes in various colors with two liquid and air tight seals in various colors
- 3 section dishes are microwavable without the seal.
- Sorry, the handle is not included in this sale, but may be purchased seperately.
- Colors are for boys and girls, no pink or purple color dishes or seals will be sent with your order.
- You may receive orange, green, yellow, golden, or other colors.
Price : $22.45
Customer Reviews
These dishes were made especially for babies and toddlers. They have the easy grip handle for the mom to hold while feeding baby, so the baby doesn't swipe the bowl onto the floor, like most active babies do. They have smaller compartments, because they are for little tikes, not adults. Check out the Crystal Wave series in Tupperware for adult size portion divided dishes.
These containers are the perfect size for little ones lunches! Especially as a teacher who has to get lunch out for 9 children under the age of 3 as quickly as possible, they are quick and easy! They do a much better job of keeping the food separated than the adult sized version which is much more important in children as young as 15 months who are picky enough already! Thank you Tupperware!
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