Sharp R-426LS Family-Size 1-2/5-Cubic-Foot Countertop Microwave Oven
Hello,we meet again. according to what we did before, we're going to present to you writeup on the best product for your needs.
this time, we'll discuss Sharp R-426LS Family-Size 1-2/5-Cubic-Foot Countertop Microwave Oven. a great product that determined by our experience has given satisfaction that we had hoped. We and our family satisfied too that individuals can present it into our everyday life.
What is fun is Sharp R-426LS Family-Size 1-2/5-Cubic-Foot Countertop Microwave Oven is extremely easy to use. for starters, just by looking at the manuals we could use it directly. We don't need to call technician to really make it can be used as the initial purpose we should buy it.
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Product Description Product Description
With its sleek, clean design, this family-size microwave oven offers more than just good looks in the kitchen--use it for anything from heating up snacks to cooking a full meal for the family. The 1100-watt countertop appliance provides a roomy interior with a 1-2/5-cubic-foot capacity and a 14-1/8-inch Carousel turntable that can hold a large dinner plate or a 9-by-13-inch casserole dish. Unlike other models, the oven's user-friendly control panel comes discreetly positioned behind the door, hidden for an uncluttered look yet easily accessible. It also features an easy-to-set clock and timer and a seven-digit, two-color lighted interactive display with word prompts for simple programming. The oven's Sensor Cook settings deliver hot, delicious foolproof results for nine popular microwave foods with the push of a button--no need to set the time or power level. Sensor reheat works great for reheating a cup of coffee or muffin, while four defrost options allow for defrosting meat and poultry by weight. The oven also provides four programmable stages, 11 variable power levels for everything from fast reheating to slowly heating delicate sauces, Keep Warm Plus for keeping hot foods hot up to 30 minutes without overcooking, Minute Plus, a Sensor popcorn button, and a hot-water button, which comes in handy when heating water for tea or preparing bouillon or instant soup. Other highlights include stop/start buttons above the large push-button door release, an interior light, a safety lock, demonstration mode, and an optional built-in kit for above-the-counter installation. A user manual with recipes comes included. Attractively housed in stainless steel with black accents, the microwave oven measures 17-1/2 by 21-5/8 by 12-3/8 inches and carries a one-year limited warranty.
1200-watt microwave with 1-3/5-cubic-foot capacity and 14-1/8-inch turntable Clean, uncluttered design; control panel located behind oven's door 9 sensor settings; popcorn sensor; Instant Action keys; 5-option defrost feature Keep Warm Plus; 7-digit, 2-color lighted display; interior light; easy-to-set clock Measures 21-21/32 by 12-3/8 by 18-7/16 inches
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Product Features
- Family-size 1100-watt countertop microwave oven with 1-2/5-cubic-foot capacity
- Control panel hidden behind door; 7-digit, 2-color lighted interactive display with word prompts
- Sensor settings for cook, reheat, and defrost; clock/timer; 14-1/8-inch Carousel turntable
- 4 programmable stages; 11 power levels; Keep Warm Plus; Minute Plus; popcorn and hot-water buttons
- Measures 17-1/2 by 21-5/8 by 12-3/8 inches; 1-year limited warranty
Customer Reviews
I owned this microwave for one and a half years. In that time I was most impressed with the sleek finish and large size. It does everything you would expect of a microwave (boil water, popcorn, reheat food, etc). The preset, by weight, settings are a little hit or miss, but all in all pretty good. Generally, I like to manually adjust the power level and this microwave does a great job with that. For instance, melting butter on power level one or two melts the butter without boiling or liquefying it.
My roommate took my first Sharp and I'm about to buy my second. I hope this helps.
I recently finished my kitchen remodel which included all stainless steel appliances. I bought this model of microwave because of its design. Now that I am using it, I love it. It is easy to use. It took no time for me to adjust to the buttons being on the inside.The size is great and the sensor mode works wonderfully. I would highly reccomend this product.
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