HAIER 1.3CF 1100-Watt Microwave, Stainless Steel

HAIER 1.3CF 1100-Watt Microwave, Stainless Steel

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The Lowest Price Available Here

By : Haier
Price : $104.99
You Save : $40.01 (28%)
HAIER 1.3CF 1100-Watt Microwave, Stainless Steel

Product Description

Haier 1.3-Cubic Foot Microwave 1100-Watt Stainless Steel

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Product Features

  • 1150-Watt Grilling Element
  • 8 One-Touch Menu Buttons
  • 10 Power Levels
  • Express cook, weight defrost, and time defrost
  • 5 Memory cook settings and multiple stage cooking

Price : $104.99
HAIER 1.3CF 1100-Watt Microwave, Stainless Steel

Customer Reviews

This microwave was the worst thing I have ever had which completely surprised me because we had a Haier fridge at my work that was a beast ; lasted forever (; is still working).
I received this as a wedding present ; we started having problems from the first week.
First, the stainless steel on the outside started to rust, I was able to clean it off ; chalked it up to the fact that we live in Louisiana so the humidity probably got to it.
Second, whenever we would cook food it would steam up so bad in there that it would leave puddles of condensation in the bottom of the microwave.
Third, the paint started to peel off the inside under the turntable wheels.
Then the microwave became self aware ; figured out that it's warranty was up ; it decided to act like it was possessed by a poltergeist. Whenever you close the door it would automatically turn on, the light would come one, the turntable would start turning ; the microwave would make the whirring noise associated with it cooking, but it wouldn't cook. You would have to close the door a certain way to get it to not do that. After awhile closing the door a "certain way" no longer worked, you would have to push the door in while it was on to make it cook something. We just said "EFF YOU" ; got rid of it.
Even without all the problems it was still a huge pain to clean the grilling element inside ; when you did try to grill something it would take 10-15 minutes to grill some bread with garlic butter on it. We ended up just using our oven for all of our grilling needs because it just wasn't worth the hassle of using the grill. Plus to even get the grill to work you have to press thirty thousand buttons to get it to the right one (while trying to decipher what the stupid icons meant in the manual), then it would stop every 5 minutes for you to flip the item (even if you didn't want to or need to- there was no way to turn that off) ; it would take FOR-EV-ER.
Seriously, take this review into consideration when thinking of purchasing this. It's a cumbersome, faulty, confusing, space hog that routinely gets possessed by poltergeists ; has a worse grilling/toasting capabilities than something you could make out of tin foil ; wishes.
Their commercial appliances seem to be awesome, but their home appliances (most specifically this microwave) are garbage!

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