Haier America Mwm6600rw Microwave Oven Single 0.60 Ft 600 W 10.19" Hx13" Wx17"d High Quality
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By : Haier
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Price : $78.97
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Product Description
New Haier America Mwm6600rw Microwave Oven Single 0.60 Ft? 600 W 10.19" Hx13" Wx17"D High Quality
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Product Features
- Haier MWM6600RW Microwave Oven.
- Oven Type: Single.Main Oven Capacity: 0.60 Cubic ft.Cooking Method: Microwave.
- Dimensions: 10.19" Height x 12.9" Width x 17" Depth.
- Microwave Power: 600 W.
Price : $78.97
Customer Reviews
I was looking for a small microwave for my Mom who, at 89, has limited tolerance for anything with a keypad. Came across this product which uses knobs rather than a keypad. Excellent! Very easy to use, and the knobs are easy to grasp and turn for those with limited hand strength and poor eyesight. The door is also easy to grasp and open. She's had zero problems using it.
It's not strong in terms of power (only 600 watts), size, or functions, but if you're looking for a plane-Jane, easy to use microwave, this should be on your list. Shipping was very quick, but packaging was poor (sent in the box as-is without any additional packing).
ordered this to replace dearly departed; have a mini-kitchen and this one takes up much less space than the late, much more powerful hence faster old one, which was however not nearly as fast once dead. so it takes its time, but life is short, don't worry, be happy, allow for it.
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