Anchor Hocking Expressions Glass Cookware, 33-Piece Set
Hello,we meet again. as outlined by what we did before, we will present to you writeup on the best product for your needs.
this time, we'll discuss Anchor Hocking Expressions Glass Cookware, 33-Piece Set. an incredible product that depending on our experience has given satisfaction that individuals had hoped. We and our family satisfied too that people can present it into our everyday life.
What is fun is Anchor Hocking Expressions Glass Cookware, 33-Piece Set is incredibly easy to use. for newbies, just by exploring the manuals we can use it directly. We don't need to call technician to restore can be used as the very first purpose we should buy it.
the good thing is you can get/buy Anchor Hocking Expressions Glass Cookware, 33-Piece Set with special price in amazon. i have selected and chosen one of the most friendly price using the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to buy it for the beloved people. anyway, the item is limited, grab it fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Anchor Hocking
List Price :
Price : $34.05
You Save : $55.94 (62%)
Product Description
Set includes: 2-qt. casserole dish with cover, 1.5-qt. loaf dish, Two 12-oz. utility bowls, Eight custard cups with covers, 9-in. diameter pie plate, Bake with Bob Joyce Famous Recipe Collection, Microwave cooking chart, Four spatulas
Product Features
- This set offers various capacities for multiple uses
- Oven and microwave safe, each piece is easy to clean and is ideal for maintaining the purity of your food, keeping it fresh and odor free
- A perfect housewarming or bridal shower gift, it makes a wonderful addition to any kitchen
- Made in the USA
Price : $34.05
Customer Reviews
BUYER BEWARE! DO NOT USE AROUND CHILDREN, WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING IF USING. Go to this website: [...] It's full of people explaining the exact same dangerous situations that I had.
The following is the complaint that I sent to Anchor Hocking regarding their product.
My husband bought me three of your glass pans for Christmas 2009 in Woodburn, Oregon at one of the factory stores in the outlet mall. I've been using Pyrex brand glass dishes previous to this. I've used the dishes a few times for different meals and brownies with no issues, until last night. I put chicken breasts into one of the Anchor Hocking glass pans, the rectangle one about 7"x10" (approx), and put it into the oven set at 375 degrees. After 8 minutes, there was a loud explosion and my husband and I went rushing back into the kitchen to discover that the glass pan had exploded inside the oven, destroying our dinner and damaging the inside of our oven. There are hundreds of pieces of glass all over, and even after doing my best to clean it all up, I'm still finding shards of glass today, making it dangerous to use the oven. I've looked around online and found the consumer affairs website where it looks like this is a problem that has happened to MANY MANY people using your bakeware. Since this is a known issue, I'd like to know what you plan on doing to make this right. I will be throwing out all of my other pans from your company since I now know that they are not safe. THEY'RE NOT SAFE! I can't believe that you're making a product that is actually DANGEROUS! It's dishes for crying out loud, and they're actually UNSAFE! The following links will show you 8 pictures I took last night of the mess your company's product made.
The cookware does as it says. easy cleanup. Have to follow instruction before use. They have limitations. Do some research before buying. They serve the purpose I bought them for.
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