Nordic Ware 65004 11-Inch Microwave Plate Cover
Hello,we meet again. as outlined by what we did before, we are going to present to you report on the best product to your requirements.
this time, we will discuss Nordic Ware 65004 11-Inch Microwave Plate Cover. a fantastic product that depending on our experience has given satisfaction that we had hoped. We and our family satisfied too that we can present it into our way of life.
What is fun is Nordic Ware 65004 11-Inch Microwave Plate Cover is quite easy to use. for starters, just by studying the manuals we could use it directly. Do not need to call technician to restore can be used as the 1st purpose we want to buy it.
thankfully you can get/buy Nordic Ware 65004 11-Inch Microwave Plate Cover with special price in amazon. i've selected and chosen essentially the most friendly price using the maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to purchase it for beloved people. anyway, them is limited, grab it fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Nordic Ware
Price : $9.93
Product Description Review
Concentrate heat around microwaved food and keep it moist with this transparent, high-domed plastic cover. Because it protects against splattering, it's a useful accessory for Nordic Ware's two-sided round microwave bacon/meat grill. The cover fits dinner plates up to 11 inches in diameter. It also enables two plates of food to be cooked or warmed in a microwave at once: cover one and stack the second atop the cover. The cover is virtually unbreakable and is safe in the freezer and dishwasher. --Fred Brack
Fits dinner plates up to 11 inches and the Nordic Ware 2-sided Bacon-Meat Grill. Allows you to view food without spatters in the microwave. Prevents spatters in microwave and keeps food warm for serving. Clear see-thru plastic to view food as it cooks. Proudly made in the USA.
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Product Features
- Protects against food splatter
- Fits dinner plates up to 11 inches in diameter
- Steam vents
- Top rack dishwasher safe
- Made in the USA
Price : $9.93
Customer Reviews
We lived in Europe for many years and had a dish cover similar to this. After many years of use, we needed a replacement.
When I received this, I was pleasantly surprised. One can see clearly through this and it fits standard dinner plates beautifully.
If you are still using plastic wrap, wax paper, or paper towels to cover your cooking / reheating items, then you are truly doing things the hard way!
If you are not covering your microwave cooking / reheating at all, then you just LOVE CLEANING NASTY MESSES!
I was so impressed, I bought one for each of my sisters-in-law, my parents, and my single brother. They are still talking about the greatest, and most useful Christmas present 6 months later!
I highly recommend this. It saves the cleaning time... It saves you from finger burns when pulling your other covers off the cooking...
I read all the reviews and bought this cover, about a year ago. It is fabulous! Works as advertised and the microwave food stayed moist instead of getting dried out. The center hole was a little rough so I used some sandpaper on it to smooth it out. However, in the last couple of weeks the entire cover is filled with cracks and splits. For the cover itself, 5 stars - for the limited life 1 star. I am buying a second one now.
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