Corelle Livingware Corelle Fun Packs, Winter Frost White
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this time, we'll discuss Corelle Livingware Corelle Fun Packs, Winter Frost White. an excellent product that according to our experience has given satisfaction we had hoped. We and our purposes satisfied too we can present it into our lives.
What is fun is Corelle Livingware Corelle Fun Packs, Winter Frost White is quite easy to use. for starters, just by studying the manuals we can use it directly. And we don't need to call technician to really make it can be used as the very first purpose we should buy it.
fortunately you can get/buy Corelle Livingware Corelle Fun Packs, Winter Frost White with special price in amazon. we have selected and chosen one of the most friendly price with the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to buy it for beloved people. anyway, the item is limited, buy it fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Corelle
Price : $19.97
You Save : $5.02 (20%)
Product Description Review
You'll be more than ready to entertain during the big game with this 5-piece snack set. Including a large, 2-quart serving bowl and four individual 28-ounce bowls, this set will have you and your party guests chit-chatting over chips and preening over pretzels well into extra innings. The bowls are a crisp, clean white and look good with nearly any other serving item or table cloth.
Made of Corelle's Vitrelle triple-layered glass, the pieces are safe for use in the microwave, oven, and dishwasher. The manufacturer warranty covers cracks, break, chips, or stain for three years from the date of purchase. Buy this as a stand-alone set or coordinate with other items from the Winter Frost pattern for a kitchen full of dignified elegance. --Jeff Dalto
What's in the Box1 serving bowl, 4 individual bowls. 5 pieces total.
1040096 This Winter Frost White set is perfect for serving a popcorn or chips to guests. Corelle Livingware dinnerware has the smarts and savvy to take what you dish out and still impress your most scrutinizing dinner guests. It is dinnerware that you can trust to stand up to the rigors of daily life and still look good. Includes: -1 2 qt. Bowl -4 28 oz. Bowls Features: -Basic white pattern perfect for every household -Corelle Vitrelle Glass is break and chip resistant for carefree durability -Versatile enough for everyday use and entertaining -Stackable for cupboard space efficiency -Pattern will not wash, wear, scratch or fade off Specifications: -Material: Vitrelle Glass -Dishwasher, microwave and oven safe -Only ships within the continental United States Please Note: This item cannot ship to Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you would like assistance finding an item that can ship to Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, please contact our customer service team.
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Product Features
- Basic white pattern perfect for every household
- Corelle vitrelle glass is break and chip resistant for carefree durability
- Versatile enough for everyday use and entertaining
- Stackable for cupboard space efficiency
- Pattern will not wash, wear, scratch or fade off
Price : $19.97
Customer Reviews
The 28 ounce bowl is perfect for Asian casual family dining. Great for soup noodles or rice. It's a easy to handle size (6 inch in diameter ?) and THICK yet not heavy to handle. The 2 quartz bowl is a great bonus. It's HUGE(13 inches in diameter ?). However, not as thick as the 28 ounce bowl.
Update: I love this set so much. I just bought 3 more sets Especially since I don't have to worry about whether there's any lead in the decorations that could leach out to food. These are made of glass so I didn't have to wonder the quality of clay being used. And the items are Made in USA.
We usually use Chinese china bowls for noodles. However, they chip too easily in the dish washing machine. The smaller bowls are just the right size to replace my old ones. Based on my experience with Corelle ware, the bowls should survive well over time.
The larger one is just right to hold a pack of pop corn for movies. It is too big to serve soup or to fit in a steamer for egg pudding. I have to find more usage for it in the future.
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