Nordic Ware Microwave Bacon Tray & Food Defroster
Hello,we meet again. as outlined by what we did before, we'll present to you writeup on the best product for your needs.
this time, we are going to discuss Nordic Ware Microwave Bacon Tray & Food Defroster. an excellent product that depending on our experience has given satisfaction we had hoped. We and our purposes satisfied too that individuals can present it into our everyday life.
What is fun is Nordic Ware Microwave Bacon Tray & Food Defroster is extremely easy to use. for newbies, just by studying the manuals we are able to use it directly. We don't need to call technician to make it can be used as the 1st purpose we want to buy it.
fortunately you can get/buy Nordic Ware Microwave Bacon Tray & Food Defroster with special price in amazon. we have selected and chosen essentially the most friendly price with the maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to purchase it for our beloved people. anyway, them is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Nordic Ware
Price : $14.95
Product Description
Works as a bacon tray or for defrosting food in the microwave. Sloped design drains away grease and moisture. Large capacity and rectangular shape accommodates many slices of bacon. Ridges keep food up and away from draining grease. Cooks bacon to perfection. Also great for defrosting. High heat microwave bacon tray is freezer to microwave to table ready and is dishwasher safe.
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Product Features
- Slanted tray for cooking bacon or defrosting food in the microwave
- Large capacity and rectangular shape accommodates many slices of bacon
- Ridges keep food up and away from draining grease
- Dishwasher-safe; moves easily from freezer to microwave to table for serving
- Made in the USA
Price : $14.95
Customer Reviews
I've given this a good rating because I remember using my mom's eons ago, and I was happy to see that I could order one for myself decades later! But I goofed up. I didn't take into consideration the DIAGONAL measurement of this item, and it's too big to TURN in my microwave. So... make sure YOUR microwave has at least 16 inches of clearance inside if you want your bacon to spin. Duh.
UPDATE, ONE YEAR LATER: I did buy a smaller version of this tray, but I decided I like cooking bacon in the oven way better than the 'wave, even though it takes more time. Get a baking sheet with a cooling rack that fits inside (very cheap at a restaurant supply) and lay the bacon strips on top. Put it into a cold oven and set for 400 degrees. It takes about 15-20 minutes, but the results are crispier, flatter, and yummier (especially if you brush the strips with maple syrup the last few minutes of cooking). All the drippings are caught in the tray, which you can pour into a container pretty easily. Pork fat rules!
The tray works well enough. However, it would drain better if the feet were taller on the top end so that it was higher than the end with the collection area. I do like using the tray for defrosting.
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