Nordic Ware Microwave 2 Sided Round Bacon and Meat Grill
Hello,we meet again. based on what we did before, we will present to you report on the best product to your requirements.
this time, we're going to discuss Nordic Ware Microwave 2 Sided Round Bacon and Meat Grill. a great product that determined by our experience has given satisfaction that people had hoped. We and us satisfied too we can present it into our everyday life.
What is fun is Nordic Ware Microwave 2 Sided Round Bacon and Meat Grill is quite easy to use. for newbies, just by exploring the manuals we are able to use it directly. And we don't need to call technician to really make it can be used as the very first purpose we should buy it.
the good thing is you can get/buy Nordic Ware Microwave 2 Sided Round Bacon and Meat Grill with special price in amazon. we have selected and chosen the most friendly price with all the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to get it for our beloved people. anyway, the item is limited, grab it fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Nordic Ware
List Price :
Price : $7.79
You Save : $1.20 (13%)
Product Description
Ribbed surface drains fat while cooking bacon. Flat side for general heating and serving. Flat side also great for heating pizza, tortillas, bagels and more. Dishwasher safe. Proudly made in the USA by Nordic Ware.
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Product Features
- Perfect for cooking sausage and bacon
- Flat side heats up pizza, bagels and tortillas
- Round so it rotates on turntable
- Hand wash with mild detergent
- Made in the USA
Price : $7.79
Customer Reviews
I absolutely hate washing greasy pans, so being a bacon-aholic, I had to find an easier way to get crispy bacon on the table ASAP or sooner. I've been using a microwave safe plate, and zapping the bacon for about 5 ½ minutes on 70% power, but couldn't resist trying out this product, just because.
Comparative results:
Bacon a la plate:
1. Put a paper towel on the plate
2. Put the Bacon on the paper towel
3. Put another paper towel on top
4. Zap at 70% power for 5 1/2 minutes
5. Remove top paper towel
6. Put bacon in another plate - ready to eat
7. Discard greasy bottom paper towel
8. Allow plate to cool, add dishwashing liquid and water for a few minutes
9. Wash as usual
Bacon a la gadget
1. Put bacon on grooved side of gadget
2. Put a paper towel on top (I hate cleaning splatters off microwaves too)
3. Zap at 70% power for 7 minutes
4. Zap again depending how it comes out
5. Remove top paper towel
6. Put bacon in another plate - ready to eat
7. Reserve gunky stuff at bottom of gadget if you're going to use it later
8. Apply generous quantities of dishwashing liquid and hot water, leave gadget to soak
9. Wash off whatever comes off, then leave to soak longer
10. Rinse, and soak again
11. Realize that sticky stuff isn't coming off the sides of the ridges or the inside rim of the gadget
12. Apply more detergent and use brute force with a brush to the problem areas
13. Remember to brush both sides of each ridge
14. Wash again
For bacon without all the mess
Just use the microwave
There's no real need to use a pan
Unless it's fat you crave
All you need's a dinner plate
And two thick Bounty sheets
The rendered fat helps it to cook
Providing crispy treats
This gadget works, make no mistake
But it's too hard to clean
Use the flip side as a plate
And zap some quick cuisine
Amanda Richards, December 20, 2007
I also have a rectangular version, purchased many moons ago. It is reversible. It's at home all the time, flat side up, in my microwave to catch boil-overs or spills. I never take it out except to clean it. It is easier and safer to clean this item than dealing with the glass turntable.
In response to Elaine L.-- this is not difficult to clean if you know how. After frying bacon, drain out any fat and place the rack into your sink. Sprinkle it with dishWASHER detergent, fill it with your hottest tap water and let it soak for a few minutes. By the time the water is cooled, the detergent will have done a good job. Then you can finish it by scrubbing quickly with a stiff brush and rinse in plain water, or put it into the diswasher. Either way, its fast ; easy.
I gave it only 4 stars because of its size/shape. The rectangular reversible design is far superior to this one.
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