Hello,we meet again. based on what we did before, we will present to you overview of the best product for your needs.
this time, we are going to discuss MICROWAVE DIVIDED PLATES WITH VENTED LIDS - (SET OF 4 IN ASSORTED COLORS). an excellent product that based on our experience has given satisfaction that people had hoped. We and our house satisfied too we can present it into our way of life.
What is fun is MICROWAVE DIVIDED PLATES WITH VENTED LIDS - (SET OF 4 IN ASSORTED COLORS) is very easy to use. for newbies, just by studying the manuals we could use it directly. And we don't need to call technician to really make it can be used as the first purpose we would like to buy it.
fortunately you can get/buy MICROWAVE DIVIDED PLATES WITH VENTED LIDS - (SET OF 4 IN ASSORTED COLORS) with special price in amazon. we've selected and chosen one of the most friendly price with the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to acquire it for beloved people. anyway, the item is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : B.W.
Price : $10.99
Product Description
Divided plates are great for storage of leftovers and brown bagging it. Divided plates allow you to make your own healthy "TV dinners" too! Sturdy plastic divided plates, 9.25" diameter. Divided plates with three sections and snap on lids go from freezer to microwave to table in a jiffy! Set of 4 divided plates; one of each translucent color. Divided plates are dishwasher safe. Set of 4: one each of translucent blue, green, pink and yellow with vented lids.
Technical Details
- Nest for Compact Storage
- Each are 3 Sectional with Lid
- Microwave and Dishwasher Safe
- It is available as a set of 4
- It has vented Lids
Price : $10.99
Customer Reviews
I ordered these plates several months ago, and they have proved to be a lifesaver when I am in a hurry or don't want to cook. Best of all, they are great for managing leftovers, such as meatloaf, pot roast, and beef and noodles. I just add two vegetables and have an instant meal. Five minutes in the microwave and dinner is ready. What a find!
I've had these plates for about 1 month. I've used them to dish leftovers into ; dish frozen vegetables, preparing meals. I like to cook a large amount and have leftovers to reheat. I just decided to put them through the real test. Slow cooked a great roast with plenty of potatoes, carrots ; onions. I have dished these items into the plates and put them in the freezer to eat when I want them. This makes cooking much more fun. Cooking for 1 wasn't fun ; I had gotten into the habit of buying a lot of TV dinners. Now I'm back to buying groceries the way I used to when I had family at home to cook for. I can cook good, complete meals when I feel like cooking ; grab single servings when I don't feel like cooking.
While putting these plates in the freezer, I did think that they should be square or rectangle as I tend to have a very full freezer at the beginning of the month. Round plates take up quite a bit of space. Other than that, I do like them. Very handy. I get the satisfaction of enjoying my good home cooking ; not have waste, nor do I have to eat the same thing ea. day till it's used up.
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