Libbey Moderno 10-1/2-Inch Dinner Plate, Box of 12, Clear
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The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Libbey
Price : $35.88
Product Description
Contains twelve 10-1/2-inch diameter dinner plates in clear. Classic, clean design. Dishwasher safe.
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Product Features
- Crafted of glass
- Safe to use in the dishwasher
Price : $35.88
Customer Reviews
'Head's Up' to Potential Purchasers of this product: I ordered the Moderno dinner plates, salad plates and cereal bowls (36 of each). The quality of the items is fine, but the way Target packaged them for shipping was so poorly done it was laughable, really. In a nutshell they sent three huge boxes and didn't place any materials in the boxes to protect the smaller boxes containing the glass from moving around and getting damaged during shipping. So, of course, many of the pieces arrived 'in pieces'. What were they thinking So, if you order this item and end up with the same brainless guy handling your shipment as I did, be prepared for receiving broken plates and bowls.
Ordered these via Amazon for less than half the price selling for locally. Item arrived quickly, well packed and zero breakage. Clear glass goes with anything - perfect for summer or when need extra plates to extend a regular set without clashing. Dishwasher safe. Very pleased.
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