Delonghi BG24 Perfecto Indoor Grill
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this time, we will discuss Delonghi BG24 Perfecto Indoor Grill. an excellent product that based on our experience has given satisfaction that we had hoped. We and us satisfied too that people can present it into our everyday life.
What is fun is Delonghi BG24 Perfecto Indoor Grill is extremely easy to use. for newbies, just by looking at the manuals we can use it directly. We don't need to call technician to really make it can be used as the 1st purpose we want to buy it.
fortunately you can get/buy Delonghi BG24 Perfecto Indoor Grill with special price in amazon. we've selected and chosen essentially the most friendly price with all the maintained quality. you can just click the buy button below to acquire it for beloved people. anyway, an item is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : DeLonghi
Price : $51.69
You Save : $60.31 (54%)
Product Description
When the weather is too cold to stand outside over the gas grill, fire up the Perfecto indoor grill instead. This electric grill has an embedded heating element and a special M-shaped grill design so the entire surface area heats up and grilling results are more consistent. Its adjustable, detachable thermostat has five temperature levels and can be adjusted low for grilling corn or other vegetables and higher for steaks or shrimp. The grill surface itself is nonstick, so less oil is required for cooking and swordfish steaks flip nicely without sticking. A nonstick splatter shield surrounds the edge of the grill to prevent walls and countertops from getting greasy and a drip tray below the grill’s surface catches any juices. Both the cooking surface and tray remove easily for painless cleanup. For the most tender and juicy meats, the tempered glass lid fits over the grill to retain moisture while still allowing the chef to check on meat’s progress. For safety, the Perfecto has cool-touch handles to prevent fingers from burns and an indicator light to show when the grill is heating up. The glass lid is dishwasher-safe but the grill surface and drip pan must be washed by hand. Delonghi covers the Perfecto under a one-year limited warranty. --Cristina Vaamonde
Enjoy indoor grilling all year long with the De'Longhi Indoor Grill. You will always get consistent and thoroughly cooked grilled foods with the fully embedded grill plate, it distributes heat evenly to avoid any overly hot or cold spots. Impress your family and guests by using the tempered glass lid, it will keep your grilled foods tasting perfect and juicy, and it conveniently keeps already grilled food warm. To grill food to your exact preference, use the detachable adjustable thermostat for ideal results. If you've been grilling for hours, you won't be cleaning for hours, simply wipe off the non-stick grill plate and empty the non-stick drip tray. It's that easy! With an extra-large surface, you can make a meal for your family or a party in no time at all. It's safety first with this indoor grill, the cool touch handles allow for easy movement once grilling is complete. Other highlights include an on/off indicator light. Don't wait for summer to satisfy your craving for delicious barbecued meals, enjoy them whenever you want with the Indoor Grill by De'Longhi.
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Product Features
- Distributes heat evenly for the best results due to the fully embedded grill plate heating element.
- Improves cooking to keep food juicy with the tempered glass lid. It can also keep already grilled food warm.
- Make a meal for the whole family with the large cooking surface.
- Perfectly grilled food to your preference with the detachable, adjustable thermostat.
- Easy-to-clean with non-stick grill plate and removable non-stick drip tray. Simply wipe the grill plate and empty the drip tray.
Price : $51.69
Customer Reviews
I am very satisfied with this grill; I have also given it as a gift to a relative who also loves it and uses it frequently.
Some of the problems described here (not hot enough, etc.), in my opinion, stem from improper use. Like any grill, you have to let it warm up, before plopping quarter pound hamburgers on it. My daughter over-cooked chicken breasts on it(they looked great (grill lines, etc.) but they were dry)--so the comments here about the heating element not working are simply not true.
I love the glass top that contains spattering; I also line the bottom of the grill (when cooking) with aluminum foil to make clean up easier. The grill itself is something of a pain to clean, but I put mine in the dishwasher and it comes out great.
This grill performs very well, but you have to allow sufficient time for the heating element to get the grill hot and choose the correct heat settings in connection with what you are cooking--not exactly rocket science, but judging from the reviews here, some people obviously find this challenging.
I have had my grill for a week, we've cooked lean steaks on it, pork chops, and the other night we cooked hamburgers on it. This is my first indoor grill so when one review mentioned the "George Foreman" grill was a bit faster, I was amazed I thought the Delonghi cooked pretty fast Clean up was really easy and one MUST remember to preheat it. I gather some have not. And as to smoking I haven't had any but then I buy lean meats and put water in the bottom if I think the food will drip a lot of fat. Fat dripping into the large tray in the bottom is what burns and causes the smoke. I've only used water once, with the hamburgers (no smoking). This really is a great grill and large enough to be more than satisfying (actual cooking space is 15"x11"). Ease and comfort of use is amazing. I highly recommend it!
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