Haier MWM10100SS 1-Cubic-Foot 1000-Watt Microwave Oven, Stainless
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Product Description
Convenient features like Express Cook and Memory Cook will quickly make this microwave your favorite kitchen appliance.
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Product Features
- Stainless Steel Face with Painted Housing
- 8 One Touch Menu Buttons (3-4 Levels)
- 1000 Watts Power
- 10 Power Levels
- Express Cook and Weight Defrost
Customer Reviews
Our office's 10 year old microwave oven finally broke down and needed to be replaced in a hurry. After searching on amazon.com and reading descriptions and reviews of dozens of microwaves, I chose this Haier model. It arrived within 2 days, we set it up, and have been using it these past two weeks. It's easy to use without reading the manual, since we mostly do re-heating, cooking packaged frozen meals, heating water for coffee or tea, and defrosting our home cooked meals. Love that it has: a handle - so no stuck latches; a glass door instead of plastic like our previous oven; Clock and panel that we can see from any angle - again, unlike our previous oven. Love that it is a nice clean looking design in the stainless steel. The only complaint I have heard is that some people dislike that it buzzes 5 times to tell you it is done, and people can hear it down the hall in their offices. So you are forewarned if the buzzing would be a problem for you.
Just to Update: as of August 8, 2011, oven still working great. Absolutely no problems.
Well I like it. I like the control panel. I can set up lots of auto timing with it, Which means all I have to do is punch one button. It took a little learning form the intruction book, but I got the hang of it.I think it's a great deal for the money.
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