World Kitchen 1058994 Pyrex Bakeware 19-Piece Baking Dish Set, Clear
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this time, we'll discuss World Kitchen 1058994 Pyrex Bakeware 19-Piece Baking Dish Set, Clear. an incredible product that according to our experience has given satisfaction that individuals had hoped. We and our family satisfied too that people can present it into us.
What is fun is World Kitchen 1058994 Pyrex Bakeware 19-Piece Baking Dish Set, Clear is incredibly easy to use. for beginners, just by studying the manuals we can use it directly. We do not need to call technician to really make it can be used as the 1st purpose we should buy it.
fortunately you can get/buy World Kitchen 1058994 Pyrex Bakeware 19-Piece Baking Dish Set, Clear with special price in amazon. i've selected and chosen probably the most friendly price using the maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to get it for beloved people. anyway, an item is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : World Kitchen
Price : $69.99
You Save : $15.00 (21%)
Product Description Product Description
A versatile collection of heavy duty glass bakeware that also doubles as storage containers, this 19-piece Prep and Bake set from Pyrex contains just about all your baking needs. The set includes 2- and 3-quart oblong baking dishes, an 8-inch square dish, 1-1/2-quart loaf pan, and 1-, 1-1/2-, and 2-1/2-quart mixing bowls--all with tight-fitting blue plastic covers. Additionally, this set also includes an uncovered 9-1/2-inch pie plate and four uncovered 10-ounce bowls.
Pyrex glassware is nonporous, so it won't stain or absorb food odors. Incredibly durable as long as sudden changes in temperature are avoided, these dishes are safe for the oven, microwave, freezer, refrigerator, and dishwasher. Some stubborn scorch marks may require a little extra soaking or scrubbing. The set is easy to stack, so it takes up less cabinet space when not in use. The set includes a pamphlet with safety and use instructions, and each glass piece is covered by a two-year warranty.
Pyrex Bakeware 19-piece set includes 1-each 2-quart oblong dish, 1-each 3-quart oblong dish, 1-each 8-inch square dish, 1-each 1-1/2-quart loaf dish, 1-each 1-quart mix bowl, 1-each 1-quart mix bowl dark blue plastic cover, 1-each 1-1/2-quart mix bow, 1-e
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Product Features
- 19-piece set; 2-, 3-quart oblong dish; 8-inch square dish; 1-1/2-quart loaf pan; 1-, 1-1/2-, 2-1/2-quart mixing bowls (each with cover)
- Also includes uncoverd 9-1/2-inch pie plate and four uncoverd 10-ounce bowls
- Clear, nonporous Pyrex glass won't stain or absorb odors; allows you to watch your food as it cooks
- Incredibly durable as long as sudden changes in temperature are avoided
- Safe for oven, microwave, freezer, and dishwasher; 2-year warranty; made in USA
Price : $69.99
Customer Reviews
Great Bakeware set! Really convenient to have lids for everything. I use a lot less aluminum foil and clear wrap so its environmentally friendly. Great for casseroles. The round dishes are great for making side dishes in like pudding or potato salad. Lids are great for potluck's and the leftovers can be put right in the fridge.
I bought this set as a gift because for years I have used Pyrex baking dishes and know they are a dependable product. I love this gift box. It has everything needed to start a kitchen - great for a wedding gift or for a housewarming gift for the person just starting a kitchen.
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