Divided Microwave Plates With Lids by Collections Etc
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The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Collections
Price : $9.99
Product Description
Set of 4 Microwave Plates: Go straight from the refrigerator to the microwave! Durable plates let you heat, serve and store food on one convenient plate making them perfect for lunch at the office or home. Each plate has three sections so you enjoy a three course meal. Set of 4 plates with lids come in pink, green, blue and yellow. Plates are 8 1/4" diameter x 2" with lids. Refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher and microwave safe. Made of plastic....
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Price : $9.99
Customer Reviews
I bought these plates for my husband and myself to use for our lunches at work. The compartments give plenty of room and the the plate heats up nice. I would not recommend heating with the lid. We ended up warping two beyond repair and made unusable. I contacted the seller and told them of the problem and they were quick with replacements. Very good customer service!
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