CorningWare French White 8-Inch Square Dish
Hello,we meet again. in accordance with what we did before, we'll present to you report on the best product to meet your needs.
this time, we're going to discuss CorningWare French White 8-Inch Square Dish. an excellent product that depending on our experience has given satisfaction that people had hoped. We and our house satisfied too that people can present it into us.
What is fun is CorningWare French White 8-Inch Square Dish is very easy to use. for starters, just by going through the manuals we are able to use it directly. And we don't need to call technician to really make it can be used as the first purpose you want to buy it.
the good news is you can get/buy CorningWare French White 8-Inch Square Dish with special price in amazon. i've selected and chosen probably the most friendly price using the maintained quality. you can easily click the buy button below to purchase it for beloved people. anyway, the item is limited, snap it up fast.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : CorningWare
Price : $19.99

Product Description
Corningware French White ll 8-inch square dish. Includes 1-each French White ll 8-inch square dish. The recipe for a great dish starts, surprisingly, with a great dish! Corningware French White bakeware proves that when it comes to food preparation, few things are more convenient than baking and serving in one dish. With its classic, fluted design, French White oven-to-table bakeware imparts a traditional elegance that is a perfect complement to any décor. Versatile yet stylish, Corningware French White is simple, from start to finish!
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Product Features
- Non-porous surface does not absorb food odors, flavors, or stains
- Durable stoneware material designed for use in oven, microwave, refrigerator, and freezer
- Corningware material resists chipping and cracking
Price : $19.99

Customer Reviews
DO NOT THINK THIS IS CORNINGWARE AS YOU ONCE KNEW IT! CorningWare is now made of ironstone. Thus you must be careful of temperature changes - nothing cold in a hot dish and nothing hot in a cold dish because it breaks very easily. It cannot be used on stove top. And of course ironstone is much heavier than the original CorningWare. I was so disappointed upon receiving this dish that I started checking to see why the change - it turns out CorningWare sold out some time ago to a different company, but because I had not bought new items for some time I was not aware it had changed. Sadly, this will be the last CorningWare I ever purchase.
I love the CorningWare French White line. They are durable, versatile (microwave or oven), and easy to clean. And the color matches my bone china wonderfully, which is a nice plus. The square dish is a harder item to find, one I consider a must-have for things like brownies, cornbread, and small lasagnas. Because I'm not huge on casseroles, the square was just a better choice for me for a dish of this size (2 quart). Only thing that might be a deal-breaker for some is that I'm not sure if a lid (glass or the plastic storage one) is available for this one.
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